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core exercises

A Focus on Your Core

A Focus on Your Core, Core Exercises - By Brett Qualls, PT, DPT, OCS Most of us have an idea of muscles that we would like to tone up or to get stronger.  Among that laundry list of key muscles,…

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Stand Up for Yourself!

Standing Workstations -By Brett Qualls, PT, DPT, OCS In the past several decades we have seen a shift in technology in many areas of our lives.  This increased reliance on use of computers and technology has resulted in many people…

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Meditation A Mindful Practice

Meditation: A Mindful Practice

Meditation: A Mindful Practice -By Brett Qualls, PT, DPT Meditation is something that I have personally been working to incorporate into my daily routine.  Initially, I started the journey because I felt pressured to just “pick something” for my New…

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